MANILA — Filipinos should protect the freedom they enjoy today and never be cowed by threats and oppression, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Wednesday, the 126th anniversary of the declaration of Philippine independence.

Marcos made the pronouncement in another public message, paying tribute to the country’s forefathers who fought for Philippine independence and peace.

 “As inheritors of the freedom we enjoy today, we must protect it and ensure that any threat of intimidation, conquest and oppression will never again sway us,” said Marcos.

He also called on Filipinos to strengthen their courage, unity, and cooperation, adding that each Filipino can be a hero in the modern age.“Let’s use our wisdom and diligence in every task, and most importantly, be humble, loving and honorable at all times,” the President said.

Marcos’ Independence Day message comes amid heightened tensions between the Philippines and China.

China has been encroaching on Philippine waters after claiming the majority of the South China Sea, including parts of the West Philippine Sea, through its so-called nine-dash line.

On Monday, Marcos told the Philippine Army to prepare for “external threats” due to escalating geopolitical tension in the Indo-Pacific.