A fisherman in Subic town, Zambales province is taking advantage of the good weather to earn a living for his family. He and other fishermen in the coastal town have vowed to continue sailing to the disputed Scarborough Shoal despite the risks.

MANILA — The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) urged Filipino fishermen on Friday to continue fishing in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, even as Chinese authorities said that its coast guard personnel may detain “trespassers” who enter “its territories.”

The alleged policy will take effect on June 15.

 “That is our message to the fishermen, we told them not to be afraid, but to just go ahead with their activities in fishing in our exclusive economic zone.,” AFP Chief Romeo Brawner Jr. said in an ambush interview.

 “Remember, this is our exclusive economic zone, we have the right to exploit the resources in the area so our fishermen should not be afraid,” he added.

Brawner also assured that Philippine forces will be present to protect and support the fishermen.

“Anyway, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine Navy, as well as the Philippine Coast Guard will be present. So we have many things to discuss on the steps to do in order for us to protect our fishermen,” he added.

On May 16, the South China Morning Post published an article saying that Chinese forces can detain foreigners who enter “its borders.”

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. described the rule on May 18 as “completely unacceptable” and said that the Philippines will commit to protect its citizens.

Meanwhile, the Department of Foreign Affairs said on May 26 that the rule violated international law and called on China to abide by the 2016 Arbitral Award.