India is on track to become the most populous country in the world, overtaking China for the first time.

According to the United Nations, an estimated 385,000 babies are welcomed into the world each day, and most of them are now being born in India. The country’s current population is already over 1.4 billion, which is around 17.5% of the world’s population.

While some people are worried about this population boom, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is urging his citizens to practice social awareness by keeping their families small, stating that it’s a way to express their patriotism to the country. India’s rise in population also raises concerns about the country’s ability to provide sufficient resources and infrastructure for its citizens.

Despite concerns, India is expected to experience an economic and baby boom, with Morgan Stanley predicting that the country will become the world’s third largest economy by 2027, and the third largest stock market by the end of the decade.

Additionally, India has a young population, with more than 40% under the age of 25 and only about 7% over 65 years old. This indicates significant societal and economic changes that will shape the world for years to come.

Experts predict that India’s population growth will have far-reaching implications for the country and the world, from economic shifts to changes in social and political landscapes.