LOS ANGELES – A Los Angeles-based group of Filipino-American mothers called on the US Congress to grant visas to overseas relatives to provide indispensable care as family caregivers for chronically ill US residents.

In an open letter to Congress, signed by its president, Perla Santos, the International MoTHER Movement, said the presence and support of these relatives “are not only a comfort, but a necessity for the well-being of their family mmembers.”

The open letter follows:

“Dear members of Congres:

“We advocate for the granting of visas to overseas relatives who wish to come to the United States to provide indispensable care as family caregivers for chronically ill residents. Their presence and support are not only a comfort, but a necessity for the well-being of their family members.”

“Our personal journeys have deeply impressed upon us the profound emotional and physical demands placed on caregivers. It is a role that requires boundless compassion and resilience. In recognition of this, we advocate for a compassionate policy that allows family members from a patient’s homeland to enter the United States to offer the irreplaceable, culturally responsive care and support that only a family can provide.

“Our global coalition, the International MoTHER Movement, proudly stands with the Tender Loving Care Family Caregiver Support Group (TLCFCG) located in Los Angeles. TLCFCG represents a compassionate community of unpaid caregivers who selflessly commit their time and hearts to nurturing family members battling chronic conditions. Their dedication is the cornerstone of daily comfort and ongoing support for their loved ones.

“Our personal journeys have deeply impressed upon us the profound emotional and physical demands placed on caregivers. It is a role that requires boundless compassion and resilience. In recognition of this, we advocate for a compassionate policy that allows family members from a patient’s homeland to enter the United States to offer the irreplaceable, culturally responsive care and support that only a family can provide.

“The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) reveals a touching reality: an estimated 43.5 million caregivers across the United States selflessly offer unpaid care to adults and children in need. This figure is poised to grow as our society matures. The journey of caregiving, while filled with love, often comes with significant emotional, physical, and financial hardships. Many caregivers share feelings of being overwhelmed, with the weight of their responsibilities leading to burnout. It is a testament to their unwavering dedication, underscoring the need for support and recognition of their invaluable service.

“Opening our borders to relatives from overseas is more than a policy change; it is a gesture of humanity. It offers a well-deserved break to the devoted caregivers within our borders and ensures that our loved ones receive care that is not only medically sound but also culturally attuned and deeply trusted. It is a recognition, at the heart of our policies, of the invaluable role that family plays in healing and comfort.

“Today, I stand before you, for and on behalf of the tens of thousand family caregivers across the  United States,   not just as an advocate, but as a voice for the unsung champions of our society—the caregivers. These are the resilient individuals who, day in and day out, dedicate themselves to the well-being of their loved ones facing health challenges.

“In the quiet corners of our nation, these silent heroes labor with love and patience. Yet, their sacrifices often go unnoticed, their struggles unaided. It is time we change that narrative. It is time their compassion is met with our solidarity, their dedication with our support.

“Join us in a movement that breathes life into empathy, transforming it into tangible policy. If you, like countless others, believe in honoring the spirit of these caregivers, then I urge you to let your voice resonate through the halls of this esteemed assembly.

“We stand before you, lawmakers, and immigration authorities, with a fervent appeal that comes from the core of our shared humanity. We implore you to enact visas tailored for overseas relatives, poised to offer vital care to our chronically ill compatriots. This is not merely a policy—it is a profound act of compassion that promises to transform the everyday reality of countless Americans battling chronic conditions. Your endorsement is more than support; it is a pledge to uplift the human spirit and affirm the bonds of family that transcend borders.


Perla Santos, mother-pearl@outlook.com”